How much does it cost to set up a limited company in Malawi?
Price depends on the company formation package you want, our competitive pricing quotes provided in the pricing section of our company formation page are inclusive of the company registration fees set up by the company registration authority.
Contact Us for more information on incorporating in Malawi and to learn more about the services we can offer your business.
Identity documents; What IDs will I need when setting up a company in Malawi?
Before completing company registration processes, you will need to provide legally acceptable Identification documents such as a National Identity Card for Malawi Nationals, Passport for foreign nationals with two additional documents showing proof of address like utility bills, tax documents for the directors and shareholders of the new company.
Can I open a Malawian company bank account in Malawi as a non-resident?
Yes, Malawian banks will open business accounts in your business name for non-resident persons. Banks in Malawi will also ask for a Certificate of Incorporation registered in your company name. We can also open a bank account remotely, without requiring clients to visit the bank in certain cases.
How long does it take to complete a company registration?
It normally takes 5-7 working days to get your company registered from the date of receiving signed application documents.
Do our company need to file annual compliance documents in Malawi?
Yes, it is a requirement for companies to file their annual returns documents with the Companies Registry Office at least once in every calendar year. Enterprise Resources Company can take care of the annual returns for your Malawian company.
Do I need to visit for setting up a company in Malawi?
No, we may not require your physical presence in order to incorporate your company in Malawi. We may only need your signed application form and identity documents sent by post and or email to our company in advance of your company setup. However, we love to have an interface with our clients at our Offices in Lilongwe.
Do all directors need to be residents in Malawi?
No, all company directors do not need to be residents in Malawi. However, there is a requirement for at least one of the company directors to be a Malawian resident. Enterprise Resources Company will help you manage this requirement.
Can I open a company as a single director in Malawi?
Yes, A Malawian company registration currently requires just one director, with one more person to act as a Company Secretary.
Can anybody act as a company secretary?
Yes, As long as the person is 18 years and above, they can technically work as a company secretary since there are no official mandatory qualifications for the task. However, it is very important to have a well resourced and skilled company secretary to successfully discharge his or her duties. It is also very common for companies using a professional company secretarial firm. Enterprise Resources Company offers the service of a professional nominee Company Secretary, this will therefore make things easier for you.
Is it a requirement to have a company address in Malawi?
Yes, all companies registered in Malawi must register with a Malawian Address, such us the P. O. Box Address. This address does not need to be your trading address. Enterprises Resources Company can provide your new Malawian company with a registered address in Lilongwe.
What security measures do you have in place to protect my financial data?
We use encryption and secure protocols to safeguard your financial information. Our systems are regularly updated to ensure the highest level of security.
What steps do you take to ensure the privacy of my financial transactions?
We are committed to protecting your privacy. All financial transactions are handled with the utmost confidentiality and in compliance with data protection regulations.
How can I be sure that my personal data is safe with Enterprise Resources?
We prioritize the protection of your personal data. We adhere to strict privacy policies and take proactive measures to safeguard your information. Our website is also equipped with security features such as SSL certification to secure all data transmission.
What payment methods do you accept for your accounting and bookkeeping services?
We accept various payment methods including credit/debit cards, bank transfers, and online payment platforms to make it convenient for our clients to pay for our services.